Attorney Career Opportunities Please fill in a valid value for all required fields Please ensure all values are in a proper format. Are you sure you want to leave this form and resume later? Are you sure you want to leave this form and resume later? If so, please enter a password below to securely save your form. Save and Resume Later Save and get link You must upload one of the following file types for the selected field: There was an error displaying the form. Please copy and paste the embed code again. Apply Discount You saved with code Submit Form Submitting Validating There was an error initializing the payment processor on this form. Please contact the form owner to correct this issue. Please check the field: Fields ATTORNEY POSITION APPLICATION McGrath and Spielberger, PLLC will be adding another experienced attorney to our Charlotte headquarters (located adjacent to the SouthPark Mall). The Firm will provide some case work, but the attorney will need to bring business in (with Firm’s support). The use of this online form is an example of the Firm’s dedication to the use of technology to better provide an efficient and consistent experience for those it does business with. Below we list the mandatory qualities the applicant must have, and then we follow with preferred items. Please apply if you possess these and are interested; please contact Firm Administrator Amy Snyder with any questions ( / 704.271.5000). Thank you. Applicants should meet all of these mandatory requirements. 1) Exhibit the highest ethical standards and have been licensed in good standing and practicing in NC for at least three (3) years. 2) Self-motivated and independent but pleasant to work with and able to work well with a team. 3) Reliable and attentive to detail. 4) Comfortable with the daily use of modern technology in a legal setting and willingness to incorporate technology as required. 5) Experience with real property and/or business law matters. 6) Litigation experience and willingness to litigate 7) Comfortable with non-traditional models of providing legal services. Applicants who meet some or all of these items may have an increased chance at being offered the position. a) Also licensed in SC or TN or willing to become licensed in one of those states (which for TN might be by exam or might be by non-exam / comity application; SC requires exam for all applicants). b) Active in the community, legal community, and in networking efforts and continuation of such activities after being hired. c) Experience in various areas of law and the ability and willingness to practice in multiple key practice areas. Have you been practicing law for at least 3 years?* Yes No Unfortunately, we are not able to consider candidates who have been practicing for less than 3 years. Full name:* Email address:* Phone number: * Area of residence* I live in or close to Charlotte.I live elsewhere but am moving to Charlotte if I get a job there.I live elsewhere but am already moving to Charlotte on a certain date, independent of this potential job.Other Please list all states, federal courts, and specialty courts in which you are licensed to practice and the years of licensure.* Law school graduated from and year of graduation:* Current employment / career status:* Please select each type of case you have *significant* experience working on.* Business transactions Business disputes Real estate closings / real property transactions Real property disputes Foreclosure / mortgage disputes Litigation (general / other) Landlord / tenant Estate planning Probate Family law Consumer protection Tax Other: Other Value These would be cases you could generally serve as lead counsel on with little to no assistance from another lawyer. Please select each type of case you have some, but not a lot, experience working on.* Business transactions Business disputes Real estate closings / real property transactions Real property disputes Foreclosure / mortgage disputes Litigation (general / other) Landlord / tenant Estate planning Probate Family law Consumer protection Tax Other: Other Value These would be case types that due to your past experience, you’d be comfortable working on, but with oversight and guidance. Which of these areas of law do you want to be your primary areas of practice going forward? (choose no more than 4)* Business (transactional) Business (litigation) Real estate closings / transactions Real property disputes Foreclosure / mortgage disputes Litigation (general / other) Landlord / tenant Estate planning and probate Family law Consumer protection Other Please summarize your past experience and your expectations as far as being provided support from non-attorneys (legal assistants, etc.).* Different attorneys have different experiences and different expectations over division of labor, etc. Are you comfortable assisting remote clients (e.g., a NC matter with client located in FL or a Greenville, SC matter handled from Charlotte assuming SC law license)?* Do you have business or professional experience outside the legal field? If so, please explain.* Please be sure to include whether you believe any such experiences are relevant to your work as an attorney, and why/how. Do you have any experience managing other professionals? If so, please explain.* Do you have any experience with writing or producing (e.g. video) professional articles or blogs? If so, please explain.* Please list any professional leadership type positions that you’ve held.* What are the 3 most important attributes you would contribute to the Firm?* What types of efforts do you make toward business and career development?* Please list relevant programs / technology you have used and are comfortable with.* If you have any direct or indirect connections to anyone at this Firm, please explain.* The answer will not be an automatic advantage or disadvantage. What, if anything, interests you in this specific opportunity as opposed to some other job opportunity?* The attributes you are looking for in a law firm / position:* I prefer to concentrate on one or two areas of law.* Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Other: Other Value It’s important to me to have control over my own cases and career development.* Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Other: Other Value I am comfortable taking on new types of cases and figuring them out.* Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Other: Other Value I would want or need significant mentoring from a more experienced attorney. * Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Other: Other Value About law firm clients (may choose more than one)* The practice of law would be great if not for the clients. Most clients are good people, but a lawyer still has to be careful. Every case and client represents a potential Bar complaint. Clients are always right. Sometimes you just need to tell clients what they want to hear. Clients are the lifeblood of a private law firm. A set, exact salary/monthly payment amount is a must for me.* Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Other: Other Value About co-workers, office mates, and office environment (may choose more than one):* It's important that non-attorneys know their place. I hope to become friends with my co-workers. Attorneys in the same firm are competitors to each other. I'm willing to help co-workers out, even if I am not required to. I prefer to work in a laid-back atmosphere. Attorneys can learn from non-attorneys. I look forward to and enjoy networking opportunities to help grow my practice.* Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Other: Other Value I enjoy engaging in the following in a given work week (choose all that apply). * Desk work Client meetings Litigation events (hearings, depositions, etc.) Networking / business development activities Professional communications such as writing blogs or journal articles Other people generally consider me to be both outgoing and good at meeting new people.* Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Other: Other Value I am definitely willing and able to adjust to and follow the procedures your Firm uses. * Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Other: Other Value I view myself as a leader.* Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Other: Other Value I view myself as independent.* Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Taking extra time on a task in order to be detail-oriented is very important.* Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree How much work, by percentage, of a “full case load” would you be bringing in to the Firm (for you to work on)?* 0 – 20% 21 – 40% 41 – 60% 61 – 80% 81 – 100% Other: Other Value As to the cases / clients you’d be bringing in, what type of cases / clients are they?* Are you generally available to interview?* Approximate date of availability if offered a position:* Month JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Day 01020304050607080910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Year 20162017201820192020202120222023202420252026 Please name at least 3 attorneys who can offer informed commentary on your professional abilities and ethics.* Please know that we will NOT contact any of them until we first speak to you about doing so. Have you had any bar / ethics complaints, or been sued for professional malpractice?* Yes No Please understand that you are NOT automatically disqualified by answering “Yes” – we consider the circumstances. Please explain, including the outcome of the matter.* Are you involved in any litigation or other legal disputes as an individual or as a business entity owner, partner, or manager?* Yes No Please explain.* Please upload resume and any other relevant documents (such as references):* No File Chosen File uploads may not work on some mobile devices. Please share any additional and relevant information not contained in your resume or any other documents you are providing.* This should include addressing any of the items / qualities we list in the introductory paragraph at the top of this page which have not already been addressed. Previous← Next→ Form secured by Formstack Enter your save and resume password Cancel Confirm