As attorneys who provide a variety of real estate and mortgage related services, including foreclosures and post-foreclosure disputes, we know that many (most?) borrowers really don’t understand private mortgage insurance. Known as PMI, private mortgage insurance is to benefit the lender, not the borrower – even though the borrower is paying for it.
What makes it worse from the borrower’s perspective is that, in addition to being foreclosed on, a borrower can end up being sued by the mortgage insurance company in relation to the very same policy the borrower paid for. The highly technical terms we use to describe this include:

We’ve advised and defended borrowers in these cases. The most common fact scenario is this one:
- a foreclosure takes place (or sometimes even a short sale or a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure);
- the loan is not paid off in full;
- the creditor (lender / loan note holder) makes a claim against the private mortgage insurance policy;
- the mortgage insurance company pays the creditor to reimburse it for its losses on the loan;
- the mortgage insurance company sues the borrower / former homeowner, under the theory of “We only had to pay out on this policy because you didn’t pay the loan off in full, so you owe us”; and
- the borrower is shocked, comes to us for help.
We’ve seen cases in which the mortgage insurance company may not actually have paid out the money it was seeking to recover, in which the mortgage insurance company was unable to even produce the insurance policy at issue, and in which the borrower has been assured by the persons involved in the deal (before our involvement) that the borrower was going to be “free and clear” after a foreclosure, short sale, or deed-in-lieu. However, we’ve also seen cases in which the borrower did appear to legally owe the monies being sought by the insurance company.
These cases usually – in our experience and based on our assistance – go away without the borrower having to pay what the mortgage insurance company is seeking. However, each case and each client is different, and no guarantees or predictions can be made. The bottom line is that anyone wanting to reach a settlement with the lender / note holder before the property is disposed of and anyone who has been notified of a claim against them related to PMI should be educated and informed and perhaps seek professional assistance.